Saturday 16 May 2009

Home Alone

Just realised that "I" is working 7 days this week. At least he has some days of next week. It is hard on my own with the children for that length of time, I have great respect for single parents. Things can get very tough with them vying for my attention all the time. Took them to the library today to see a Magic show and balloon blowers. They enjoyed it, although the new toy library was open and they enjoyed that more. V and S were in the little tikes car that they play with at nursery, we will have to get one for them one day. Will have to the library more often I used to take V all the time as a baby but now S is up and moving about I am running in two different directions which is not easy. Guess I let Daddy take them when he is around.
S is still miserable with his teeth coming through I hope they come through a bit quicker as he is awful with it. Ma's birthday tomorrow and I managed to make her a card at craft group this week, quite proud of it, hope she likes it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi and welcome to blog world. :-) Lori. xx (SKIUK)
