Sunday 24 May 2009

The only way is UP?

I am on the mend. Been hobbling around for days but knee is getting stronger. Taking less pain relief for this.
Despite the fall, cutting my finger on a drawer handle, and the fridge door trapping my other finger nothing else bad could happen. I caused a mirror to drop from a windowsill (by accident) and unbelievably it stayed in tact. Maybe my luck is changing. I can but hope.
In the week I got a call to say I had won a holiday (obviously there were strings attached) but I am not going to follow up on this as it will involve a lot of harrassment from the company concerned so much so that I doubt I will enjoy it.
I may even start playing the lottery again, I have not done this since it first started. I am furiously entering competitions at the moment. A few years ago I had a winning spell of pretty minor things but it was fun receiving things through the post.

Went to Camp Mohawk for their open day. A very enjoyable day it was V&S did not want it to end. The weather was perfect for swimming, ice cream eating and watching the puppet & clown shows. Shame there was not enough time to watch the animals, turtles, shetland ponies. S managed to stroke an owl called Jagger and was very fascinated by this strange creature. The next day he pointed to one in a book and I am sure he said owl. He is starting to talk an awful lot more, he is saying No, Door very clearly now. I am still concerned about his molar tooth that is coming through but it has what looks like an abcess on the side. I will try and get an appointment with the dentist on tuesday just to check it out it just looks very odd to me.

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